Tatiana Albrecht

My name is Tatiana Albrecht, I am a Gemologist, Diamond Expert and GemLover.

I’ve had a passion for jewelry since my childhood. When my mom wasn’t at home I quietly sneaked into my parents’ bedroom, opened mom’s jewelry box and put every single piece on me.


I got my first degree in International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies and used to work in this field for a while, but I knew there was more out there for me. After moving to the USA I graduated as a gemologist and diamond expert, eagerly studying all the aspects and nuances, spending days and nights reading gemological books and magazines, taking private classes and upgrading my knowledge. Further, I had my first trip to Asia and couldn’t stop. I’ve visited many gemstones producing countries, attended a lot of gem shows, had private tours to mines, factories, markets, and made great relations with dealers.

I’ve always had a great taste and decided to open a Custom Made Jewelry line "Albrecht Jewelry", where each piece starts with an idea, which, after passing through certain stages, takes a tangible form. Every single detail of a future creation is manually drawn, every single gemstone is hand selected, every part of a piece is handcrafted.

A dress is bought, shoes are picked up, and a new purse has been waiting for a long time to «be walked out»… But there is something inside you, which can’t calm down as something else is still missing...

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